Raleigh Parking Sign
Dublin Core
Raleigh Parking Sign
Visual Literacy
This is a picture of a parking sign in Downtown Raleigh. The reason I chose to use this photo is because it contains many directions in very few words. It is not in the picture but above the sign there is another sign describing how long the parking is for during the week. The sign we are focusing on is important because its colors are chosen strategically to blend with the blue parking logos and create concurrency with the new parking app they are promoting. It is easy to identify how to use this app because most people know how to operate a parking meter and the function can be transferred easily to a mobile interface. There is also a parking meter there just in case someone doesn't have the time or knowledge of downloading the app. They are both present for people trying to park so that in the future the meter will be gone and people can just pay on their phone.
I don't believe this sign is required by the state but the way it was designed makes it look like a state regulated sign so that people will obey it and pay closer attention. Although it says nothing about the parking spots and only gives the zone number, you are able to put pieces together to understand that the number space you're parked in has to be keyed into the zone within the app or parking meter to pay for your parking. Normal traffic signs and parking signs are interesting to me because they are able to communicate with very few or no words what the law is.
I don't believe this sign is required by the state but the way it was designed makes it look like a state regulated sign so that people will obey it and pay closer attention. Although it says nothing about the parking spots and only gives the zone number, you are able to put pieces together to understand that the number space you're parked in has to be keyed into the zone within the app or parking meter to pay for your parking. Normal traffic signs and parking signs are interesting to me because they are able to communicate with very few or no words what the law is.
CJ Falchi
Digital Image
Parking sign
“Raleigh Parking Sign,” COM/ENG 395, accessed March 2, 2025, https://com395.omeka.chass.ncsu.edu/items/show/160.