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- Collection: Post-Modernist
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A postmodern brick building. While reading the description and learning more about postmodern architecture I began to get the sense that buildings that were designed for a specific purpose and were renovated for another would be considered as such.…
Tags: Brick, Michael Elliott, PostModernism
Extra-Space Storage
I was somewhat unsure of what to look for to identify a building as post-modernist in Raleigh, but I drove past this Extra-Space storage building and thought it had some characteristics that may place it into that category. First, its shape gives it…
Tags: Sarah Hartsell
Parliament House, Malta
The Maltese Parliament House is characteristic of post modern architecture's reception and purpose. It's somewhat a functional classicist take with its hulking limestone exteriors, symmetrically covering up two separate buildings on stilts with 3…
Postmodernist House
This house is located in the center of a residential area north of NC State's campus and its architecture stands out starkly against the other houses in the area which are more traditionally styled. Where Modernism was intended to be sleekly…
Tags: architecture, Lauren Sims, postmodern
Post Modern Building
A post-modern building boasting angular architecture with simple, dull colors.
Tags: buildings, lacymargaret, ncsu, postmodern