The original Mini Cooper is a design classic that came about because of restrictions in fuel supply during the 1950s caused by the 1956 Suez crisis, where Britain along with France and Israel invaded Egypt to recover control of the Suez Canal. The…
For this week I chose a photo of several road signs to represent visual literacy. While road signs were created to send messages to people while they are driving, the color, use of wording, and pictures upon each sign mean something different. The…
This is a picture of a page out of the ebook version of the paperback book entitled Nehanda. I purchased this ebook through the Amazon Kindle reader and used it for an English class I was taking last semester. The Kindle reader has a different page…
I received this bag when I bought my textbooks from the NC State Bookstore. The front and back of the bag spell out the title "Wolfpack Outfitters" with the word "Outfitters" highlighted in red and designed with white letterings to emphasize the type…
This still image is taken from Spike Lee's 1989 film entitled "Do The Right Thing," a comedy-drama that conveys the social truths of hidden racism and violence against minority communities within Bedford Stuy, New York. This film is highly regarded…