Napoleon Boneaparte
Dublin Core
Napoleon Boneaparte
Visual Literacy
This is a photo of a painting created by artist Christina Hess titled Napolean Boneparte. There is more to it than just a silly dog painting, using a visual literacy lens. The title reflects the author’s concept of painting historically classic painting and recreating the scenes featuring animals instead of humans. Napolean Bonaparte remains a featured subject throughout history and art. The artist used a style that reflects the French Revolution era, which is the time period in which Bonaparte was well known. The artist has the dog wearing Boneparte’s iconic French military uniform, making it distinctive of who the dog is supposed to represent. The artist puts their own twist to historic artwork. The dog in the photo is a bloodhound that is known for hunting which reflects the occupation of Boneparte as a military leader. If the picture were of Napolean Bonapart it would hold a much more serious and fierce effect, the dog adds humor component. The dog is painted in a confident, heroic stance reflecting a sense of admiration for Napoleon. The painting requires visual literacy to read what is being said about the subject.
Christina Hess
Maura Walter
Digital Image
Christina Hess , “Napoleon Boneaparte,” COM/ENG 395, accessed March 3, 2025,