SAS Hall
Dublin Core
SAS Hall
On campus building
SAS Hall is a recognizable mathematics and statistics building on NC State's main campus. The relatively new hall has "state-of-the-art" technologies, tutorial centers, and a few lounges/study areas (a few of which not everyone has access to).
This building struck me as "postmodern" because of a quote from the reading "Radical Post-Modernism and Content". One of the reading's conversationalists, Charles Jencks, refers to postmodernism as "the future of the past" and the sleek, cool faces of the building portray what would have once been an obvious grasp at a futuristic look. Albeit, it is worth noting that the building's faces contain both smooth metal and NC State's famous brick aesthetic. This amalgamation of futuristic and traditional results in a postmodern look that subverts expectations for both of its components.
This building struck me as "postmodern" because of a quote from the reading "Radical Post-Modernism and Content". One of the reading's conversationalists, Charles Jencks, refers to postmodernism as "the future of the past" and the sleek, cool faces of the building portray what would have once been an obvious grasp at a futuristic look. Albeit, it is worth noting that the building's faces contain both smooth metal and NC State's famous brick aesthetic. This amalgamation of futuristic and traditional results in a postmodern look that subverts expectations for both of its components.
Funded with public money granted from the HIgher Education Baord Referendum passed in 2000. Also funded by SAS, a software company based in Cary.
Justice Thomas
Feb. 2, 2020
Still image
Funded with public money granted from the HIgher Education Baord Referendum passed in 2000. Also funded by SAS, a software company based in Cary., “SAS Hall,” COM/ENG 395, accessed March 2, 2025,