Get a Financial Life is a book written by Beth Kobliner. The book is set to help individuals get control of their financial side. The book physically is a paper back copy. The title and subject of the book is in big blocky red letters. This is to…
This is a screenshot of Barnes and Noble's online bookstore on the company's Nook app. Many of the books featured in the store come with an option to sample them. When selected, this allows one to download the first chapter or so of the book and…
This is a screenshot showing the different features of the Kindle app for reading books. The Kindle app offers a wide range of books that could be purchased and be readily available on your own device(s). It allows users to redirect or jump from page…
Just this month, NC State's student-run newspaper Technician celebrated its 100th anniversary. The first issue was printed in 1920. Today, Technician operates on a online-first basis for delivering news to NCSU students and other readers. Once a week…
This is an interesting and creative social issue advertisement on a paper towel dispenser. The image is implying that the excessive use of paper towels are draining the earth of its resources. On top of that, the paper towels in this image is also…
This is a picture of a parking sign in Downtown Raleigh. The reason I chose to use this photo is because it contains many directions in very few words. It is not in the picture but above the sign there is another sign describing how long the parking…
Within the Free Expression Tunnel, anyone is allowed to spray paint or in some other way decorate the walls, floors, and ceiling of the tunnel. Student organizations use it to advertise, social movement groups use it to get the word out, and amateur…
This photo is one of the most iconic sports photos of all-time. Muhammad Ali is considered the greastest boxer to ever live and this was probably the pinnacle of his career. In a matchup with Sonny Liston, Ali was able to record the knockout which…
This is one of the most famous photos of Marilyn Monroe that really showcase the fresh sexuality that she brought during her era. Monroe was a new kind of sexuality, this iconic photo showed her personality: while most women during her time would…