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This is an example of a digital artifact that is used to educate the public. Every single day, even in these strange times, Google updates its main home page to reflect an event or a person associated with that particular day. I think that allows for…

I enjoy going to Dave n Busters and stack up tickets just to collect plushies and useless decorations. This fake succulent plant is one of my most favorite things that I have traded for because I have always wanted to have plants in my apartment, and…

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I chose my Apple Watch as a designed item of significance to me because it is an item that I use every day to keep me on task, active, and organized. The face of the watch is customizable with many options, but I choose to have a picture as my…

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In light of recent events, I have been thinking a lot about the things that people are having to go without right now. The list is endless but I think about high school seniors often. They, in particular, do not get graduation. I think HS graduations…

Two de-cored American grenades I own. The one on the left is your classic pineapple grenade which dates from the Second World War. The one on the right is a more modern grenade that began service in the Vietnam War I believe. Both have a good deal of…
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