Internet memes come in many different formats and can therefore express many different meanings. A meme by itself, however, can only make so many expressions. But when memes are crossed over and combined, suddenly more opportunities are revealed. …
This is an interesting and creative social issue advertisement on a paper towel dispenser. The image is implying that the excessive use of paper towels are draining the earth of its resources. On top of that, the paper towels in this image is also…
This is a poster of the famous illustration, The Awakening, my roommate got from the Library of Congress. It was the centerfold of a suffrage issue of Puck Magazine in 1915. The image is a suffragette parody of Manifest Destiny. The woman in yellow…
This is an artistic celestial chart produced for decoration. Since it's purpose is decorative, it's not really all too clear and therefore has no real value for actual celestial mapping. It's a busy chart, there are lines everywhere and multiple…