Celestial Chart
Dublin Core
Celestial Chart
Visual Literacy
This is an artistic celestial chart produced for decoration. Since it's purpose is decorative, it's not really all too clear and therefore has no real value for actual celestial mapping. It's a busy chart, there are lines everywhere and multiple sketches and icons. The top middle has an orbit chart, the bottom left is detailing both lunar and solar eclipses, the bottom middle shows the orbit of the earth specifically, and the bottom left is the path of the moon. The milky way is splashed across the two hemispheres, which are covered in what I assume are latitude and longitude lines. The chart is almost too busy, it doesn't seem like it's meant to have too much time spent deciphering it and rather is supposed to look "vintage" and "scientific" - quotes because it is clearly actually neither.
Emma Moore
Emma Moore
Digital Image
Emma Moore, “Celestial Chart,” COM/ENG 395, accessed March 2, 2025, https://com395.omeka.chass.ncsu.edu/items/show/154.