F*ck Wars
Dublin Core
F*ck Wars
Graphic Design
This week's readings talked about both realism and the advertising of street art so I chose this image I saw tagged all over Prague last summer. “Fuck Wars” is across the top in the “Star Wars font” and underneath is what I think is man kissing a skeleton? Honestly, I have a hard time parsing out what is going on in the lower image, but operating under the assumption I am seeing it correctly, it does speak to the design of the piece. War is portrayed by the skeleton as it often leads to massive death tolls and the man represents the governments engaging in said war, enamored with the effort. It both employs and departs from realism. The image is all anatomically correct and makes sense to the eye, but the skeleton does have blonde hair, which I think was added to show the skeleton as having some sort of sex appeal to show the desire of the man for the skeleton.
Emma Moore
Emma Moore
Still Image
Emma Moore, “F*ck Wars,” COM/ENG 395, accessed March 3, 2025, https://com395.omeka.chass.ncsu.edu/items/show/173.