
Dublin Core




Website Design


This is a screenshot of my Spotify homepage on the web browser format. Spotify focuses on maintaining a very streamlined design for their site and makes navigation very simple. The tiles for your recently played and heavy rotation playlists are large so you can easily find the things you listen to consistently. The tiles also have distinctive images so you can find what you are looking for quickly. Playlists can have four album covers from the mix on the tile or can just have one large image. On my homepage, the Binge Mode podcast has a bright pink image on the tile so when a listener looks for it, it stands out even more and is easy to find and play. The Disney playlist tile image also changes as new music comes out so that it shows the most recent and trending soundtracks, in this case, Frozen 2. The side bar also has a running list of your saved playlists so that you don't have to click through different areas of the website to pick a playlist you haven't used in a while. The dark grey color palate gives a calming effect and helps the playlists stand out so that there is not too much color for the user to take in while they are looking for their music. The play bar at the bottom of the page has large enough buttons to be easily clicked but not so large to be invasive on the rest of the page. The grey buttons will also turn green and have a circular symbol, the color of the Spotify logo, when they are clicked. In this image, you can see that my shuffle is on because it is lit green and has a small dot underneath the symbol, likely there for users who are green colorblind. The tile of the playlist will also have a green pause symbol in the bottom right corner while it is being played on the bottom bar so that if you are browsing, you can pause your music from multiple spots and so you can see what you are listening to.


Lauren Sims


Lauren Sims




Still Image


Spotify Screenshot.JPG



Lauren Sims, “Spotify,” COM/ENG 395, accessed March 1, 2025,

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