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  • Tags: music

My Alvarez Guitar.jpg
This is a photo of my first guitar. It is an Alvarez Dana Scoop guitar made by the well-known acoustic guitar brand "Alvarez." They made these guitars from 1991-1994 so this guitar is older than me. They made them so they could compete with other…

Spotify Screenshot.JPG
This is a screenshot of my Spotify homepage on the web browser format. Spotify focuses on maintaining a very streamlined design for their site and makes navigation very simple. The tiles for your recently played and heavy rotation playlists are large…

MXR's Fullbore Metal is a distortion pedal designed for extreme heavy metal genres. In addition to its high gain distortion effect, the pedal features a built-in EQ and noise gate. The design of the Fullbore Metal demonstrates both…

Abbey Road.jpg
This is the cover of the famous Beatles album Abbey Road. This street crossing is directly in front of The Beatles' main recording studio in London. From their photo shoot, this image was the only one where all of the musicians were stepping at the…

Line 6.jpg
In this photo I have my guitar amplifier which is a Line 6 Spider 3 modeling amp. It has a lot of effects and the person operating the amplifier and adjusting tones to their liking has to have some understanding of what different effects or tones do…

sabaton history.JPG
This intro is one of several similar intros for videos on the Sabaton History YouTube channel. Pictured on the left is Indy Neidell who hosts the series and to his right is one of the members of the metal band Sabaton, Pär Sundström (it rotates every…

Jackson King V 7-String.PNG
In this image is a custom Jackson King V Guitar. This instrument in particular is made to not only sound great but have a strong presence when utilized on stage. This guitar has an additional string compared to most others to allow the player to hit…
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