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The website uses red, black and white as its primary colors. The colors are the same colors that are used in the logo that can be found in the top left corner of the website. In the top left there is a search bar for any viewer that wants to find a…
Tags: Jordan Hadding, sports, Website
Doge Gif
I chose to add a gif as a digital artifact because it is something that can only be presented digitally. It also requires some digital knowledge and experience to be understood, as the "doge" meme is popular on the internet. Here is the link if Omeka…
Tags: Sarah Hartsell
Mobile Platforms
These are screenshots from three separate social media platforms, organized into a rough collage. Each social media platform (i.e. Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter) is now conveniently located on almost any phone's app store and has been made…
Tags: Design, Justice Thomas, Mobile, Mobile-Friendly, Website
Vox Masthead
This is the masthead for the online news site, Vox. This site was started in 2014 as a means to explain breaking news stories for readers. Their signature colors are neon yellow, gray and white. The aesthetic of the site is very modern and "hip",…
Tags: digital artifacts
Loss Meme
The loss meme is a testament to the universal language that is shared among a vast majority of internet users which allows communication on a level beyond words. This meme has a tragic beginning as the source material was a four panel comic in which…
Tags: Jordan Hancock, Meme