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New York Times Article
This article from the New York Times is about pollution in different parts of the world. It is a full-length article, but it is set against a changing backdrop of floating dots that represent particulate pollution. The article detects the reader's…
Tags: Sarah Hartsell
Escape from the Crazy Place
Escape from the Crazy Place, originally conveived by JJ Guest in 1984, is a collaborative work between about fifteen authors. In 2006 it was released online, described as an interactive round-robin novel. The novel works like a digital…
Tags: Conner Tomlinson, Post-Book
Nehanda Kindle E-book
This is a picture of a page out of the ebook version of the paperback book entitled Nehanda. I purchased this ebook through the Amazon Kindle reader and used it for an English class I was taking last semester. The Kindle reader has a different page…
Tags: Digital Image, ebook, navigation, pages, Post-Book, Quantanasia Leathers
Alice in Wonderland Audiobook
This is a screenshot from the Audible recording of Alice in Wonderland and Through the Looking Glass. I bought it on Amazon because it came free with purchase of the Kindle ebook. You can play the audio file and have the ebook open to read along on a…
Tags: audible, audiobooks, Lauren Sims, Post-Book
Liaisons E-Text
This is a photo of my e-textbook for French 102. Last semester, I had the hard copy of the textbook as a rental but settled on the E-Text for this semester since it was a more economical option. However, the online version of the textbook is just not…
Tags: cengage, digital text, French, Lacy-Margaret