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Technician Anniversary
Just this month, NC State's student-run newspaper Technician celebrated its 100th anniversary. The first issue was printed in 1920. Today, Technician operates on a online-first basis for delivering news to NCSU students and other readers. Once a week…
Tags: Abby Spry, Newspaper, Post-Books
Eat What You Watch Cookbook
This is the cover of a cookbook written by a popular Youtube creator commonly known as "Binging with Babish". This cookbook contains recipes for food items found in famous movies. These recipes range from Pasta with Prison Gravy and Meatballs from…
Tags: Book, Jordan Hancock, Youtube
The Awakening
This is a poster of the famous illustration, The Awakening, my roommate got from the Library of Congress. It was the centerfold of a suffrage issue of Puck Magazine in 1915. The image is a suffragette parody of Manifest Destiny. The woman in yellow…
Internet memes come in many different formats and can therefore express many different meanings. A meme by itself, however, can only make so many expressions. But when memes are crossed over and combined, suddenly more opportunities are revealed. …
Tags: Enthymeme, Justice Thomas, Meme, Visual Literacy
Raleigh Parking Sign
This is a picture of a parking sign in Downtown Raleigh. The reason I chose to use this photo is because it contains many directions in very few words. It is not in the picture but above the sign there is another sign describing how long the parking…
Tags: cj, Parking, sign, Visual Literacy