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I chose to add a gif as a digital artifact because it is something that can only be presented digitally. It also requires some digital knowledge and experience to be understood, as the "doge" meme is popular on the internet. Here is the link if Omeka…

These images are of Vilem Flusser’s English edition of Does Writing Have a Future? Flusser’s book raises many different implications about this post-books transformation that Drucker’s “The Virtual Codex fromFrom Page Space to E-Space” also raises.…

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This is one of the advertisement poster photographs from the 2013 Doctor Who 50th Anniversary special episode 'Day of the Doctor.' This episode was a special that premiered in movie theaters around the world as it celebrated 50 years since the…

This still image is taken from Spike Lee's 1989 film entitled "Do The Right Thing," a comedy-drama that conveys the social truths of hidden racism and violence against minority communities within Bedford Stuy, New York. This film is highly regarded…

This is a digital painting done by one of my favorite digital artists: Cyarin. I love her digital paintings and I think a lot of people don't realize the amount of time and effort that goes into them. It is difficult to learn to paint digitally with…

This is a historic edition of The Washington Post, especially given the importance and relative rarity of presidential impeachment. The conclusory headline, "Trump impeached," is underscored by relating this step to the next - the senate trial. It’s…

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A receipt from a CVS trip last week. I'm always going in there for random things, in this case it was mascara and some facial razors.

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In front of the Kafka Museum in Prague are a pair of urinating statues. This is an example of rebellion against main-stream art as such a piece of art is a vulgar display. Created by the sculptor David Černý, this art display is an example of kinetic…

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"Cuphead-Don't Deal With the Devil" is a run and gun video game that is extremely unique in it's style and story. The game was made almost entirely with 2D cel animation which is a very dated art style that requires hand drawn animation and many…

This is the Crystal Palace in the Magic Kingdom at Disney World. It's actually a restaurant that serves fantastic chicken nuggets, but that's not the most interesting aspect of the building. Walt Disney was enamored with the idea of nostalgia, and so…
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