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My parents moved into a rental house back in September. After noticing some weird structures and fixtures in the house, they discovered that the homeowner is in fact a doomsday prepper, using what is now our laundry room as storage for shelf-stable…

When I think of industrial design, I think of Apple and the many portable products it has designed and released over the years, specifically size-wise. In this photo, it shows three different versions of the iPod and then, finally, the iPhone. The…

MXR's Fullbore Metal is a distortion pedal designed for extreme heavy metal genres. In addition to its high gain distortion effect, the pedal features a built-in EQ and noise gate. The design of the Fullbore Metal demonstrates both…

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Looking at this image some might not realize that it is the top of the famous Eiffel Tower in France. The only difference compared to other photos of this monument is the perspective of a base jumper standing on top of the tower looking down…

I chose this hairbrush because of its features. I own a Wet Brush, and it is designed to detangle wet hair without damaging it, as many brushes do. Its shape is also designed to be comfortable to hold, with the flared handle.

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The original Mini Cooper is a design classic that came about because of restrictions in fuel supply during the 1950s caused by the 1956 Suez crisis, where Britain along with France and Israel invaded Egypt to recover control of the Suez Canal. The…

OXO is a company that makes a series of devices for the home. This can opener illustrates typical features of their products. It is easy to grip, has a rubberized surface, and is obvious in it's use. The tagline for their products is "Good Grips".…

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The google home products all share a sleek white design with as few buttons as possible to keep the devices looking smooth. The devices use both smooth plastic surfaces and rougher fabric surfaces to create a combination of modern and rustic that…

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This is a stemless wine glass that I got for a friend on Amazon. The plastic is designed to turn from clear to holographic rainbow when there is something cold in the cup. The point of this wine glass is to be fun and whimsical. Stemless wine glasses…

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This photo is of a kitchen gadget that comes in handy when preparing avocados. It is a 3 in 1 tool that can slice, split and pit the avocado, reducing the amount of different utensils needed to prepare one. The tool is designed to make it easier and…


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