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  • Tags: Guitar

My Alvarez Guitar.jpg
This is a photo of my first guitar. It is an Alvarez Dana Scoop guitar made by the well-known acoustic guitar brand "Alvarez." They made these guitars from 1991-1994 so this guitar is older than me. They made them so they could compete with other…

Line 6.jpg
In this photo I have my guitar amplifier which is a Line 6 Spider 3 modeling amp. It has a lot of effects and the person operating the amplifier and adjusting tones to their liking has to have some understanding of what different effects or tones do…

Jackson King V 7-String.PNG
In this image is a custom Jackson King V Guitar. This instrument in particular is made to not only sound great but have a strong presence when utilized on stage. This guitar has an additional string compared to most others to allow the player to hit…
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