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Rainbow Wine Glass
This is a stemless wine glass that I got for a friend on Amazon. The plastic is designed to turn from clear to holographic rainbow when there is something cold in the cup. The point of this wine glass is to be fun and whimsical. Stemless wine glasses…
Tags: holographic, Lauren Sims, unicorn, wine glass
Raleigh Mural
This is a mural in downtown Raleigh, it is in fact one of many murals in downtown Raleigh. Murals are excellent examples of street art that stems from graphic design. Recently, I fell as if murals have become a trendy art piece popping up in popular…
Tags: Art, downtown, Lacy-Margaret, mural, raleigh
Raleigh Parking Sign
This is a picture of a parking sign in Downtown Raleigh. The reason I chose to use this photo is because it contains many directions in very few words. It is not in the picture but above the sign there is another sign describing how long the parking…
Tags: cj, Parking, sign, Visual Literacy
Road Signs
For this week I chose a photo of several road signs to represent visual literacy. While road signs were created to send messages to people while they are driving, the color, use of wording, and pictures upon each sign mean something different. The…
Tags: colors, Quantanasia Leathers, road signs, traffic
Roku Remote
The Roku remote is a device that requires visual literacy due to the fact that it is relatively different than most normal remotes. If you had not used a Roku before, it is likely you would not completely understand this remote at first glance. Aside…
Tags: Savannah Scruggs, Visual Literacy
Royal Family Portrait
This is the official portrait taken at William and Kate's wedding years ago. The readings on Photography made me think of this because I feel that this family is trademarked by these images. At every big event or occasion, there is a photo taken,…
Tags: family, Lacy-Margaret, portrait, wedding
Rustic Water fountain
Nonfunctioning rustic water-fountain which appears to be cracked at its base. It is various shades of grey which allude to it being constructed of cement. During close inspection, it is obvious that they are no pennies lying at the bottom.