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Marvelous Mrs. Maisel
Amazon Prime's comedy Marvelous Mrs. Maisel is about a woman who's "perfect life" is turned upside down, the catalyst for her becoming a comedienne in New York in the 50s. She uses her status as an upper east side housewife as a basis for her…
Tags: Emma
Bread Box
Bread box with "vintage" font on the front depicting the contents evokes a simpler time. Being made of wood, rather than the chrome that is more typical of kitchen implements, makes it appear to have been brought from the past. When I bought it, the…
Tags: Emma
The Westin, NYC
This is an image of the Westin in New York. It is a hotel close to Times Square with an interesting design and irregular shape. I believe this building is postmodernist because of its irregular shape and the way it sticks out when compared to the…
Tags: architecture, cj, PostModernism
Migrant Mother
This is a photograph of a 32-year-old migrant woman with seven children captured during the Great Depression. This photo is a medium for social thought. Through her facial expression and physical conditions, we see the struggle that this period…
Tags: black, great depression, Leathers, photography, Quantanasia, white
Awaken, My Love!
This is a picture of Childish Gambino's "Awaken, My Love" album cover. I chose this item because it has a beautiful design and Gambino's follow up album was released this morning. The artwork is striking and bold which was something seemed to…
Tags: awaken my love, cj, graphic design
Čůrající postavy (Piss)
In front of the Kafka Museum in Prague are a pair of urinating statues. This is an example of rebellion against main-stream art as such a piece of art is a vulgar display. Created by the sculptor David Černý, this art display is an example of kinetic…
Tags: Czech Republic, David Černý, Kafka, Kinetic Art, Prague
End of Watch
This is a photo from behind the scenes production of the movie "End of Watch." In this picture is Michael Peña, one of the main stars of the movie alongside actor Jake Gyllenhaal. They both play as Los Angeles Police officers as the movie is based…
Tags: Camera, End of Watch, LAPD, Michael, Michael Hopkins, Motion and Media, movie, Point of View, Police, POV, Production