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Twitch Landing Page
This is a screenshot of Twitch's landing page. I wanted to show this because their web design is extremely captivating. One of the best ways to catch attention in a digital space is to use movement. Right when you get to the Twitch website, there is…
Tags: cj, twitch, web design
So here is a digital artifact that demonstrates something known as universal language. This sort of universal language is entirely visual with the facial expressions having the texts line up accordingly within the meme. This one pokes fun at society…
Tags: app, apps, Digital Artifact, digital artifacts, funny, hilarious, Internet, Meme, memes, Michael Hopkins, phone, phones, spongebob
Logic Pro X
Logic Pro X is a Digital Audio Workstation (DAW) designed by Apple for producers to write, record, mix, and master music and other kinds of audio. When comparing different DAWs, the main topic of discussion is the workflow, which is shaped by…
This is an example of a digital artifact that is used to educate the public. Every single day, even in these strange times, Google updates its main home page to reflect an event or a person associated with that particular day. I think that allows for…
Tags: digital media, easter, Google, lacy margaret
Website Designs
This photo has graphics that represent different types of website interfaces. When designing website layouts it is important that the design of the website matches its purpose. In terms of design in general, the form should follow functions, this…
Tags: maura
This is a screenshot of my Spotify homepage on the web browser format. Spotify focuses on maintaining a very streamlined design for their site and makes navigation very simple. The tiles for your recently played and heavy rotation playlists are large…
Tags: digital artifacts, Lauren Sims, music, music player, Spotify, web design