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  • Collection: Everyday Objects

This is a bench in Uptown Charlotte with an interesting design. It is painted green to reflect their initiative towards environmentally conscious decisions for the city, It also blends with the trash can and recycle bin close by to further prove this…

This fountain is a depiction of the youthfulness of the city of Charlotte while also acting as an inviting piece of art for the plaza. Wells Fargo's long history and museum in Charlotte may have inspired them to create an artistic piece that captures…


The item I chose to analyze for this week is a small candle from World Market. The reason I found this object interesting is that, compared to many other companies, World Market generally makes their candles seem less flashy or colorful in…

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The inversion table, which is used for spinal decompression, can appear daunting due to its size and ambiguous figure. However, the table is designed to suit a variety of body sizes with a soft pad at the top for your head. The handle bars on the…

I chose this image to complement our discussion of the evaluation of visual images in class last week. The design of the bookcover communicates a clear message and feeling. It is a book about the future of self-driving cars, and the dark color of the…

This outside scenery appears gloomy yet emanates beauty due to the presence of the rainbow in the background. Near the bottom of the photo, there are windshield wipers and surrounding cars nearby on the road indicating that this scene was captured…

This water bottle was an employee appreciation gift from NC State University in 2017. Although it is a relatively simple water bottle, specifically including "Student Employees" on the side helps make it feel more personal and unique. The use of a…

This is a view of the sunset at the Cape Fear River, taken on my way out of Wilmington back to Raleigh on New Year's Eve. The Bridge is known as the Cape Fear Memorial Bridge and its fairly old and unremarkable, since even before 1969 it was…

These three metal statues of NCSU's mascot decorate the Wolf Plaza not far from Talley Student Union. The statues components are meshed and allows observers to see through them. The statues are about five feet tall (which is tall enough to discourage…

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This pewter mug I bought for $5 while at a flea market on winter break this past year. Although it hosts some utilitarian purposes, its primary and obvious one is for drinking liquids. However, I mostly use it for storage for items such as pencils,…
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