Browse Items (235 total)

I bought this candle from World Market because of it's amazing scent, but also because the aesthetic of it's appearance. The word apothecary at the top indicates that it was curated by someone who understands herbology, toxicology, and natural…

The book House of Leaves by Mark Z. Danielewski is the perfect example of physical print being influenced by digital media. As you can see in this picture, the pages are a bit discombobulated, with the names of people and places in the furthest left…

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On a video platform like YouTube, there are quite literally thousands upon thousands of people who upload video gaming videos to the platform. To set himself apart from other uploaders, the British YouTuber SovietWomble has perfected the art of using…

This photo is of the principal UI (user interface) that any given Spectrum subscriber would interact with in order to make more complex television choices. Previously television didn't even rely on remotes to make inputs regarding volume or channel…

This still image is taken from Spike Lee's 1989 film entitled "Do The Right Thing," a comedy-drama that conveys the social truths of hidden racism and violence against minority communities within Bedford Stuy, New York. This film is highly regarded…

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"Cuphead-Don't Deal With the Devil" is a run and gun video game that is extremely unique in it's style and story. The game was made almost entirely with 2D cel animation which is a very dated art style that requires hand drawn animation and many…

This is the logo that my brother-in-law designed for Olde Mecklenburg Brewery, one of Charlotte's oldest local breweries. Based just on the spelling of "Olde", this brand is intentionally drawing on their history as a long-time Charlotte brewery. The…

This is the book cover of John Berendt's 1994 best seller, "Midnight in the Garden of Good and Evil." This true-crime novel is set in Savannah, GA, and the cover was shot in Bonaventure cemetery.

The statue on the cover is called the Bird Girl,…

Internet memes come in many different formats and can therefore express many different meanings. A meme by itself, however, can only make so many expressions. But when memes are crossed over and combined, suddenly more opportunities are revealed. …

This is the Crystal Palace in the Magic Kingdom at Disney World. It's actually a restaurant that serves fantastic chicken nuggets, but that's not the most interesting aspect of the building. Walt Disney was enamored with the idea of nostalgia, and so…
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