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Albert Einstein
This photo depicts Albert Einstein, one of the most famous scientists in history, making a funny face for a picture.
Tags: Einstein, Jordan Hancock, Meme
Untitled Photograph
This untitled photograph by Zac Strum depicts a lone tree in a field at sunset from a shelter, half of the picture reflected in a puddle of water. I see this image as a subtle embodiment of ostranenie, or making strange, on several levels…
Tags: Art, Conner Tomlinson, photography
Abbey Road
This is the cover of the famous Beatles album Abbey Road. This street crossing is directly in front of The Beatles' main recording studio in London. From their photo shoot, this image was the only one where all of the musicians were stepping at the…
Tags: album cover, Lauren Sims, music, photography, The Beatles
Migrant Mother
This is a photograph of a 32-year-old migrant woman with seven children captured during the Great Depression. This photo is a medium for social thought. Through her facial expression and physical conditions, we see the struggle that this period…
Tags: black, great depression, Leathers, photography, Quantanasia, white
School Days
This photograph is from the 1950s in the United States. During this time period, the United States was in the middle of the Cold War with Russia. This sparked fear in society enabling schools to take extra precautions and conducting bomb drills. The…
Tags: maura
USB Splitter
This is a USB Splitter I recently bought because my laptop only has one USB port. This allows my computer to have four USB ports and can control which ports are being used with buttons. The blue light indicates which ports are being used. Its sleek…
Tags: cj, industrial design, usb