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The Westin, NYC
This is an image of the Westin in New York. It is a hotel close to Times Square with an interesting design and irregular shape. I believe this building is postmodernist because of its irregular shape and the way it sticks out when compared to the…
Tags: architecture, cj, PostModernism
Twitch Landing Page
This is a screenshot of Twitch's landing page. I wanted to show this because their web design is extremely captivating. One of the best ways to catch attention in a digital space is to use movement. Right when you get to the Twitch website, there is…
Tags: cj, twitch, web design
Union Station, DC
The internal architecture of Union Station located in Washington, DC. It was designed by architect Daniel Burnham and was completed in April 1908. Since its opening, it has been a thriving multi-use transportation hub and in 1964 it was designated as…
Tags: DC, Michael Elliott, Union Station
Untitled Painting
This is an untitled painting by Polish surrealist Zdzislaw Beksinski, who is notorious for his fantastic and often disturbing work. In Helmers' article, she outlined different ways that viewers participate in meaning construction, often…
Tags: Art, Conner Tomlinson, painting, Surrealism
Untitled Photograph
This untitled photograph by Zac Strum depicts a lone tree in a field at sunset from a shelter, half of the picture reflected in a puddle of water. I see this image as a subtle embodiment of ostranenie, or making strange, on several levels…
Tags: Art, Conner Tomlinson, photography
Untold Stories of the Real Me
I received this book while attending a talk about mass incarceration. One of the groups that spoke was the Free Minds Book Club, a nonprofit in Washington, D.C. that hosts poetry writing workshops for incarcerated men. This book is an anthology of…
Tags: Sarah Hartsell
USB Splitter
This is a USB Splitter I recently bought because my laptop only has one USB port. This allows my computer to have four USB ports and can control which ports are being used with buttons. The blue light indicates which ports are being used. Its sleek…
Tags: cj, industrial design, usb