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The Office has been one of the most successful TV series of the 21st century. The show began its production in 2005 and made it nine season's with it ending in 2013. The scene pictured is from an office meeting, which is usual in the show. Michael,…

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Brian David Gilbert is a video producer for the videogame website Polygon. Through Polygon he has a video series titled "Unraveled". In which he applies the lore of popular video games to answer absurd questions such as "Should You Read Every Book in…

This image is a still from the Netflix docuseries "Don't F**k With Cats." The show premiered on Netflix in December of 2019 and is becoming increasingly popular.

What I found interesting about this documentary is that it emphasizes the surprising…

This image is a still from the most famous scene in Martin Scorsese's Goodfellas. This scene is when Henry Hill takes his date through the back of the Copacabana nightclub to their table, bypassing the long line in the front of the club. According to…

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This is a photo from behind the scenes production of the movie "End of Watch." In this picture is Michael Peña, one of the main stars of the movie alongside actor Jake Gyllenhaal. They both play as Los Angeles Police officers as the movie is based…

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Gilmore Girls is a show that was created by Amy Sherman-Palladino in the early 2000s. This show perfectly encapsulates the small town charm that everyone looks for, while also depicting a unique relationship between a mother and her teen daughter.…

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This intro is one of several similar intros for videos on the Sabaton History YouTube channel. Pictured on the left is Indy Neidell who hosts the series and to his right is one of the members of the metal band Sabaton, Pär Sundström (it rotates every…

This is a really interesting piece of filmography from the perspective of motion. This YouTube comedy series moves at an exceptionally rapid pace which is deliberately off-putting to viewers. Every shot is a still frame, and most of the time the…

"You" is a show about an obsessed stalker named Joe Goldberg who "falls in love" deeply with the women that he meets. He spends the entirety of the show justifying his actions, which the audience gets to hear through his voice-over narration. This…

This still image is taken from Spike Lee's 1989 film entitled "Do The Right Thing," a comedy-drama that conveys the social truths of hidden racism and violence against minority communities within Bedford Stuy, New York. This film is highly regarded…
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