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Sabaton History
This intro is one of several similar intros for videos on the Sabaton History YouTube channel. Pictured on the left is Indy Neidell who hosts the series and to his right is one of the members of the metal band Sabaton, Pär Sundström (it rotates every…
Tags: Eastern Front, Fortress, Gas, German Empire, Germany, Jakob Ware, music, Poland, Russia, Russian Empire, Sabaton, War, World War I
SAS Hall
SAS Hall is a recognizable mathematics and statistics building on NC State's main campus. The relatively new hall has "state-of-the-art" technologies, tutorial centers, and a few lounges/study areas (a few of which not everyone has access to).
Tags: campus, Justice Thomas, NC State, SAS
School Days
This photograph is from the 1950s in the United States. During this time period, the United States was in the middle of the Cold War with Russia. This sparked fear in society enabling schools to take extra precautions and conducting bomb drills. The…
Tags: maura
This is a screenshot of Barnes and Noble's online bookstore on the company's Nook app. Many of the books featured in the store come with an option to sample them. When selected, this allows one to download the first chapter or so of the book and…
Tags: Digital, E-Book, Justice Thomas, Post-Books
Shark Magnet
This is a magnet I got from a North Carolina Aquarium when I went on a beach trip with my roommate and her family a couple years ago. All of the kids got to spend the day out at the aquarium and at dinner. The sharks are a major feature of the…
Tags: Lauren Sims, magnet, personal object, pink floyd, shark
This is a screenshot of my Spotify homepage on the web browser format. Spotify focuses on maintaining a very streamlined design for their site and makes navigation very simple. The tiles for your recently played and heavy rotation playlists are large…
Tags: digital artifacts, Lauren Sims, music, music player, Spotify, web design