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PS2 Game Covers
Since this week was focused on graphic design and included Sturken & Cartwright's chapter on perspective, I chose to look at the cover designs of two video games that depicted different types of perspective. On the left is the original Star…
Tags: Conner, Cover Art, video game
Olde Meck Brewery Logo
This is the logo that my brother-in-law designed for Olde Mecklenburg Brewery, one of Charlotte's oldest local breweries. Based just on the spelling of "Olde", this brand is intentionally drawing on their history as a long-time Charlotte brewery. The…
Tags: beer, graphic design, Lauren Sims, logo, OMB, Sublmnl Design
Guitar Amplifier
In this photo I have my guitar amplifier which is a Line 6 Spider 3 modeling amp. It has a lot of effects and the person operating the amplifier and adjusting tones to their liking has to have some understanding of what different effects or tones do…
Tags: Guitar, Guitar Amp, Line 6, Michael Hopkins, music, Visual Literacy
Xbox One Controller
The Xbox one controller is the latest iteration of Microsoft's attempts at controller design. The standard controller come in a matte black color, but is available in others. The two features that stand out the most visually are the A, X, Y, & B…
Tags: Controller, Jordan Hancock, Xbox
Roku Remote
The Roku remote is a device that requires visual literacy due to the fact that it is relatively different than most normal remotes. If you had not used a Roku before, it is likely you would not completely understand this remote at first glance. Aside…
Tags: Savannah Scruggs, Visual Literacy